Reducing Ammonia Emissions from Crop Production Systems
Crop Production
In crop production systems, ammonia most often originates from nitrogen fertilizer that is
volatilized before it can be used by the crop. Most of the volatilized nitrogen is lost within the
first 3 to 5 days after application. The best means of reducing ammonia emissions is to apply
fertilizers in forms, at times, and by means that maximize the amount of nitrogen available to
the crop. Some general management means for minimizing ammonia emissions from crop
production systems include:
- Choose plant varieties with high nitrogen use efficiency and that are well suited to the
soil type in which they will be planted.
- Apply nitrogen fertilizer based on soil tests (including deep-soil sampling for applicable
crops) and reasonable, historically-based yield goals. Where possible, utilize variable-
rate applications based on soil characteristics and historical yield data to ensure optimal
use of all applied nitrogen.
- Utilize slow release forms of nitrogen fertilizer such as those containing a urease
inhibitor or side-dress/fertigate nitrogen when possible throughout the growing season to
improve nitrogen uptake.
- Where possible, place fertilizer as close to the root zone as possible. Avoid broadcast
applications of unincorporated fertilizer.
- For nitrogen applications that cannot be immediately incorporated into the soil, utilize
the least volatile fertilizer formulations based on soil pH, texture, and other field-specific
- Utilize nitrification inhibitors as an additive to fertilizer applications where broadcast
application methods are the only viable alternative, where volatile forms of nitrogen are
required, and when warm, wet, or windy environmental conditions are imminent.
- Where possible, minimize the use of anhydrous ammonia. If anhydrous ammonia is
used, special attention is needed to utilize injection methods that minimize volatilization
and to avoid leaks in the delivery system.
When a warning is issued that an air mass in eastern Colorado is likely to move into RMNP
and move nitrogen into the Park, some practices that may be employed to reduce emissions
during a warning period include:
- When possible, delay fertilizer applications to the soil surface until the warning period
- Delay staging of manure or compost to be applied to fields until the warning period
expires. If not able to delay the operation, incorporate broadcast fertilizer or manure
immediately after spreading.
- Utilize a nitrification inhibitor to reduce risk of volatilization if application cannot be re-
- Avoid fertigation through sprinkler systems.